Behind the Scenes at Greater Huntington Parks and Recreation with Lauren Patrick
I am joined by Lauren Patrick, the Assistant Director of Greater Huntington Parks and Recreation.
We discuss the evolution of parks and recreation in the tri-state area, from community programs and facility management to beloved local events such as Easter egg hunts, holiday celebrations, and even adult game nights.
Lauren, who began her journey with the organization as an intern in college, shares her love for her hometown, the importance of community involvement in recreational activities, and how the parks system has grown over nearly a century.
Whether you're a current resident or someone reminiscing about your time in the area, this episode promises to spark fond memories and appreciation for the vibrant community spirit that makes the tri-state area unique.
Memorable Moments
00:00 Natural Resources Practicum Experience
04:41 Aquatic Facilities Operator Certified
08:22 Huntington's Community Commitment
11:00 Historic Cemeteries: Guyandotte & Pat's Branch
13:43 Softball League Memories and Community
18:29 Adults-Only Game Night
21:30 "Spot Patrick: Selfie Contest"
23:45 Healing Garden & Facility Rentals
27:46 "Parks and Rec Appreciation"
This episode is sponsored by Alex R. White, PLLC.
If you have a memory you would want me to talk more about, just send me an email at Or post a comment on the Tri-State Machine FB Group page.
Welcome to the Tri-State Time Machine.
I'm your host Vanessa Hankins. This is a podcast where my guests and I share our memories and present day stories of the Tri-State Area. That's West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio.
Nothing too serious, no political views, and no ulterior motives.
We're just here to share our fun stories about this great area.
Whether you're a past resident or a current Tri-State resident, I think you're going to have fun with us.
So join in, press play on your podcast player, and welcome to the Tri-State Time Machine!
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Copyright 2025 Vanessa Hankins
This is the Tri State Time Machine brought to you by Alex r White, p l l c at sue distract a driver dot com. Each week, your host, Vanessa Hankins, and her guests share memories and stories about the past, the present, and the future of the Tri State area. That's West Virginia, Kentucky, and the Ohio areas. If you used to live here or you currently live here, you're gonna catch yourself saying out loud, wow, I remember that. Now here's Vanessa.
Vanessa Hankins [:Hey, Tri State, and welcome back to Tri State Time Machine. I'm your host, Vanessa Hankins, and it's March month '3 of '12. The year's flying by with equipment, although I will say February kind of threw some wrenches at us with all the snow that we had. But I have a treat for you today. On the show, I have miss Lauren Patrick, assistant director of Greater Huntington Parks and Recreation. Hi, Lauren. Welcome to
Lauren Patrick [:the show. Thanks for having me.
Vanessa Hankins [:I'm excited to have you here. We love Parks and Rec. I'm your, kind of your neighbor down down in that side of, Huntington in the park, so it's pretty cool to have you in here. I think starting out, I'm gonna back way up. I saw, I think, on one of your social media posts that you started at GHRPD in college. Is that correct?
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. Technically, when I was in college, I went to college for natural resources and recreation management Okay. Which was the bachelor's of science degree. And when I was a sophomore in college, they had a program where you had to do a practicum, which is like a an internship, but not nearly as intense. Right. And that's when I reached out to the folks at, GHPRD to see if they had any room for me, if I could help out, if I could be involved. And that's kinda how I I got my foot in the door, back then.
Vanessa Hankins [:So when you started, is it the same people now in leadership?
Lauren Patrick [:No. It is not. When I started, it was Kevin Brady and his wife, Suzanne. They were very involved. He was the director, and and Suzanne and was very involved in events and activities at the time. So I kinda worked under her and, learned just a a small scope of what, the park district does back then. And then after that, you know, that class was finished, I kinda went on my own way for a bit, but then found myself back to the Park District in 2015 where I've been ever since.
Vanessa Hankins [:Okay. So did you always know that this is where you wanted to be, or did that internship kinda, like, solidify it for you?
Lauren Patrick [:Honestly, no and no. I I went to school thinking that I wanted to work in state parks. Okay. That state national parks, that was always kind of the goal. I had, worked my teenage years at Beachfork State Park as a lifeguard, and then their summer naturalist. And I thought that that's where I was, you know, destined to be. My thought, when I finished my term in AmeriCorps and and needed a job was I wanna stay local for a bit longer. This is a good opportunity to get my foot in the door.
Lauren Patrick [:I had never had any desire for municipal parks and rec. I kinda thought that it was going to just be a stepping stone to me. Something on.
Vanessa Hankins [:Put on the application in the future.
Lauren Patrick [:And, I actually I fell in love with it. I I learned a whole new scope of of parks and rec that I wasn't really familiar with, and I can't really imagine myself anywhere else now.
Vanessa Hankins [:I could see that, because it from the outside looking in, I mean, I know it's a whole lot of hard work because I I do events as well. But from the outside looking in, it looks like it is just a blast. The creative aspect of it and how all the pieces come together to, really show up for our community is amazing.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. And there there's just so much more to it than I had thought and that I think that the public even they even sees. Of course, Ritter Park is our flagship park. Absolutely. But we have, like, 16 neighborhoods
Vanessa Hankins [:with parks. Have several parks. I don't know if you can think of them off the top of your head. I'm sure you can.
Lauren Patrick [:We we have a lot of parks, and, each of them are unique. They have their own, amenities and their own, playgrounds and and just
Vanessa Hankins [:just The area that you guys cover, I think, is astounding to me. I would have never thought Huntington Parks And Rec in Milton.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. We have a you would have think
Vanessa Hankins [:of Yeah.
Lauren Patrick [:With a splash pad.
Vanessa Hankins [:With a splash pad. Super cool.
Lauren Patrick [:Yeah. Yeah. It's just it it's very, more than meets the eye. Oh, absolutely.
Vanessa Hankins [:And I think, not to throw this out of left field, but I think I remember seeing that you just recently passed, some kind of test to become the water test. What is the actual form that It is. It's person that runs the the splash pads?
Lauren Patrick [:Well, it's it's the aquatic facilities operator. Okay. I just got that certification, just so that, hopefully, I could be more helpful and more involved. We do have two splash pads, one at Saint Cloud Commons and one at April Dawn Park. And I'm sure the public remembers this past year, Saint Cloud just It was a nightmare for you, as I'm sure. I mean, they're, they're very difficult to maintain, and, everybody thinks it's way easier than a pool because it's just, you
Vanessa Hankins [:know Oh, like, I I I will say, just from, again, being y'all's neighbors and knowing a little bit of the inside stuff, I didn't realize that the, health department comes out and checks that
Lauren Patrick [:Oh, absolutely.
Vanessa Hankins [:And keeps tabs and makes sure that it's on the up and up for the community. Yes. I had no idea.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. And, you know, you couple that with mechanical issues and, and it's not even vandalism. We've been very fortunate. The community has been wonderful, to our parks and playgrounds and splash pads. But just the use, the sheer amount of use that they're seeing, we just we have maintenance issues.
Vanessa Hankins [:Absolutely. Just like anything in life. Right. Absolutely. Just wanna
Lauren Patrick [:be able to help more if I can.
Vanessa Hankins [:Oh, absolutely. So I think that's awesome. I think it's cool that even after all the years of being with Parks and Rec that you are still growing that, background for yourself to to do above and beyond what is expected. When we were talking about splash pads a little bit, let's talk about St. Cloud's. That was a big deal for our community, and I think that was headed up by Kevin before he left. Right?
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. Kevin and I worked very closely on the St. Cloud Commons all inclusive playground. That was kind of our our joint baby together, because, I was, a development manager at the time for the park district. So I assisted and did a whole lot of fundraising, grant writing, superlative. Rotating, door to I mean, door to door, you name it, begging on the Internet.
Vanessa Hankins [:I I it's It takes the whole community for something like this.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. And it was, you know, it was almost a $2,000,000 project, and, I feel really fortunate that I got to be involved as much as I was, and help get that there. We've, you know, had to phase it out. We're still working on it. Yeah.
Vanessa Hankins [:I was gonna say it's still got It's still got some to go. Right?
Lauren Patrick [:That's going on and projects on the horizon to make it more accessible and better parking and better lighting and
Vanessa Hankins [:Right.
Lauren Patrick [:Hopefully, eventually, a fence and you know?
Vanessa Hankins [:That'd be great. Yeah. That'd be fantastic, and we love that park. We go, pretty often in the spring and summer. Sometimes, like you said, the sheer use that happens there, sometimes it gets very crowded and it's not for us.
Lauren Patrick [:But yes, no, I totally understand. But I mean, I think that's great.
Vanessa Hankins [:Yeah. Well, you get it. Especially with him being young, it it's hard to have all those kids running around and knocking them down and all that. So it it's a it's a lot. Talk to me a little bit about how Parks and Rec works. We talked a little bit before the show started. I did some research, and I have that Huntington Parks and Recreations became a government agency for Huntington officially in 1990, but you said it started back when?
Lauren Patrick [:So we were established in 1925. Wow. We're actually getting ready to celebrate our hundredth year anniversary. Hopefully, I have some special things planned for that Yeah. This summer. I don't really know about the specifics there. I'm sure that 1990 is some important date for us. Something official.
Lauren Patrick [:Right? Something official.
Vanessa Hankins [:Something official on paper, but you guys have been going for
Lauren Patrick [:a long time. For a hundred years.
Vanessa Hankins [:That's amazing, which it it's not I mean, it's it's shocking to hear a hundred out loud, but at the same time, I'm not shocked because Huntington has always came through and showed out for its community in big ways in in all the years past, I think. Yeah. So I think that's pretty awesome that you guys were already organized and and doing your thing and and bringing recreation to the area far before my my date that I got. Now your boss is who?
Lauren Patrick [:Kathy McKenna. She's the executive director.
Vanessa Hankins [:Okay. And she answers to a board. Correct? Is that how the hierarchy works?
Lauren Patrick [:So, the unique thing about Huntington Parks and Rec is we are not governed by the city of Huntington.
Vanessa Hankins [:Which is a common misconception.
Lauren Patrick [:It is. Yes. It is. We are we are not. We work closely with the city of Huntington. They're our community and our friends work closely with the mayor, but we don't answer to them. Right. We function under a 10 member board of directors.
Vanessa Hankins [:Okay.
Lauren Patrick [:And, Kathy, our director, serves under the board, and then everybody else falls
Vanessa Hankins [:Now, answer this if you can. You may if you can't, it's not a big deal. It just popped into my head. How are the board members decided? Are those the direct areas? Okay.
Lauren Patrick [:And they're in they're in different, districts. Okay.
Vanessa Hankins [:So kinda like our council people.
Lauren Patrick [:Very similar.
Vanessa Hankins [:Okay. That's really cool. I love that because it it lets every neighborhood have a say in what's going on in the community. Yes. No one's left out. I love that. You guys on social media are so fun to watch. I love it.
Vanessa Hankins [:Are you are you the brains behind the social media?
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. I am, I am the, social media manager as of right now.
Vanessa Hankins [:Okay.
Lauren Patrick [:I wear a
Vanessa Hankins [:lot of hats. It's fun.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. Yes. And I enjoy it, enjoy putting ourselves out there and sharing and, just interacting with the community.
Vanessa Hankins [:A lot of interaction. That's what I was gonna say. As lot of as far as, like, some of the community pages go, your page gets a lot of interaction, especially when you guys do, like, your egg hunts and
Lauren Patrick [:stuff like that. Yes. We're we're creeping up on 20,000 followers, which I'm really proud of because Yes. When I started back in 2015, we had, like, less than 3,000.
Vanessa Hankins [:I'm sure.
Lauren Patrick [:So our department has grown, our presence has grown, and our social media has grown. We just
Vanessa Hankins [:I love it. I I really do. I know I keep saying this, but like once a year when you guys do the egg hunt, I go crazy and like the, find the elf, Yes. That one is always very that's sheer entertainment.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. That entertainment. That has really exceeded our expectations. Each year, it gets a little crazier.
Vanessa Hankins [:I enjoy it. I love that you guys had to lock the elf up, like, to keep him safe. I think it's hilarious. So Parks and Rec is not just parks. You guys also have cemeteries. You have Spring Hill, the Historic Guyandotte, and Historic Pat's Branch. Tell me a little bit about Guyandotte and Pat's Branch and why they are historical historical and why they still matter to our community.
Lauren Patrick [:So we have Spring Hill, but we also have Highland Cemetery too. I forgot one. Yeah. So Spring Hill and Highland are still operational. Meaning Absolutely. You can bury your loved ones there. We have, a cemetery office and a cemetery staff that works out of Spring Hill Cemetery. Okay.
Lauren Patrick [:And we've actually expanded some of our programming to Spring Hill because of how historic of a space it is, and we've gotten the privilege to tell some stories of those that are buried there, the past few Octobers.
Vanessa Hankins [:I've got to go to those events. And if you've never been, they sell out very fast, but they are so fun. Yes.
Lauren Patrick [:We added live actors this year.
Vanessa Hankins [:I didn't get to go this year because it sold out really quick, and I'm I'm forever bummed about that, but I'm I'll be on the I'll be number one on the list next year.
Lauren Patrick [:As for the other two, they they're historic cemeteries, meaning, we just maintain and take care of them because people's loved ones are there. Right. The the Guy And Dot 1 is is right next to the Mandy Carroll House, which
Vanessa Hankins [:Okay.
Lauren Patrick [:We also own. Okay. And the Pat's Branch branch one, I have never been there. I've been told though it's technically on, like, property either owned by or adjacent or in the Special Metals complex.
Vanessa Hankins [:Oh, okay. So it's it's like a it's really, really old. It's Yes. It's before Special Metals came along probably.
Lauren Patrick [:I would say so. Yes. Okay. That's that's pretty cool.
Vanessa Hankins [:Well, no wonder you've not been there. It was just one around Special Metals grounds. Right? Right. So recently, you guys have well, and I don't know how recent because you've had softball for quite some time, but you've added dodgeball, or is it kickball to the
Lauren Patrick [:Oh, we, we don't run the kickball league, but we rent out, they use the old Olympic poolside.
Vanessa Hankins [:Use the space. Okay.
Lauren Patrick [:And it is very popular
Vanessa Hankins [:for sure.
Lauren Patrick [:I think it's cool city kickball.
Vanessa Hankins [:Joel City kickball. Okay. So shout out to them if you want to get involved in some adult intramurals. And then you guys have softball, which I played for, gosh, I think three or four years, and then I retired on a high note right before I got had my last baby, So that was eleven years ago. Oh, wow. It's been a lifetime ago. But I I got to retire on a high note, and we won the, regional award, and then we went on and and fought some other people off to to get a a trophy that stands like seven foot
Lauren Patrick [:tall. Cool.
Vanessa Hankins [:And that's still in my garage today. So if anybody on our old team wants that, you are more than welcome to take it off my hands. The glory days are over. I can no longer run first to second base in a a given amount of time to before I get out. But, yeah, the, softball league, we had a lot of fun. You some of the umpires become like family that you guys hire, and they're a lot they're members of the community too, and it's pretty cool. It was for me to see some of the umpire's children play softball with us, grow up in the league, and then become umpires themselves, which I think is pretty cool that, that happens. Let's talk a little bit about some of the events that you guys throw on.
Vanessa Hankins [:We we talked about the elf hunt and the extravaganza and stuff like that, but what are some other events that you're really proud of? Well,
Lauren Patrick [:we it seems like we just keep doing more and more, and I'm excited because we've we've just hired a a a new recreation coordinator. So Oh, yay. Yes. So I was the previous recreation superintendent, and, I've, since moved to the assistant director position. And I'm still overseeing all the events and activities, but I do have a new person in there to bring their own flight kind of program and
Vanessa Hankins [:Kinda guiding her and Yes. And teaching her the ropes before you let go.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. Yes. Absolutely. I do have a lot of, like, ownership and pride in in our events.
Vanessa Hankins [:I I could see that, especially with the amount of years that you've been there. The the lot of these are your baby.
Lauren Patrick [:Yeah. And so, like, with Easter, we kind of learned during COVID that, we we wanted to try something new, so we started doing, like, smaller neighborhood Easter egg hunts so that we can control the the
Vanessa Hankins [:crowd, control,
Lauren Patrick [:hopefully, the germs. But the feedback from that was please keep doing this. Like, you know, the
Vanessa Hankins [:It is so nice to have a local event because, if unless you belong and not everybody belongs to a church family. Yes. But unless you belong to a church family, there really isn't these big community
Lauren Patrick [:Right.
Vanessa Hankins [:Egg searches available to attend.
Lauren Patrick [:Right. So we went from doing one Easter egg hunt to, like, seven. That's We we have community Easter egg hunts in Rotary Park, April Dawn Park
Vanessa Hankins [:Oh, wow.
Lauren Patrick [:Harris Riverfront Park, and Saint Cloud Commons.
Vanessa Hankins [:Oh, wow.
Lauren Patrick [:So we move throughout the district. We've seen it over two Saturdays. That way, we're in the communities, we're in the neighborhoods. Hopefully, smaller crowd size, more intimate, better feedback. Right. And then, of course, we've expanded. We do Paws in the Park, which is
Vanessa Hankins [:Which is so cute to see. If you've even if you don't have an animal, you definitely wanna go and witness this. It's it's so great to watch.
Lauren Patrick [:Our doggy egg hunt, we are fortunate to be able to help developmental therapy center with their all inclusive Easter egg hunt so we can participate in that. And then we've recently started doing a teen flashlight Easter
Vanessa Hankins [:egg hunt. Fun. I didn't know about that one.
Lauren Patrick [:So that's for ages 13 to 17. We've actually got that coming up on April 4. Fantastic. Yeah. So we we go to Saint Cloud's. We wait till it gets good and dark, and we turn them loose with flashlights. And, instead of winning, like, you know, plush bunnies and kids stuff, they get a lot of cool gift cards and flashlight.
Vanessa Hankins [:That kinda makes me jealous.
Lauren Patrick [:Yeah. I'm trying to expand our programming for everybody. So that's on the the Easter horizon. We just finished up, as we're finishing up February, we finished Galentine's Day brunch, which is probably my
Vanessa Hankins [:favorite event. Another event that sells out very quickly.
Lauren Patrick [:It's like within an hour.
Vanessa Hankins [:You guys do two events and they fill out
Lauren Patrick [:well. Yes. It's not just be one, and we were like, okay. We'll do two sessions, and then it sold out. And we probably need a bigger venue. That's that's probably one of our partners.
Vanessa Hankins [:Seems like it gets a little crowded.
Lauren Patrick [:Is the fact that we are kinda working with limited spaces, indoors. But
Vanessa Hankins [:I think it makes it more intimate, though. I think that part's cool because it it seems to me and, again, this is an outsider looking in, from social media posts and things like that and sometimes going to the events myself. You make a lot of lifetime friends going to these events.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. And that's that's been really cool. I get to interact with everybody. I have friends now that I wouldn't have if I wasn't in this position.
Vanessa Hankins [:Right.
Lauren Patrick [:People that I have watched their children grow up.
Vanessa Hankins [:Right. Absolutely.
Lauren Patrick [:Just amazing. I I love it. And, something new that we started this past month was we hosted an adult game night. And
Vanessa Hankins [:Seems like that has been, like, a winner when Oh, yes. For sure.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. We're gonna try and add one next month as well. We were like, come out and play. Charge just $5 to help us cover the cost of refreshments. We offered alcoholic beverages and things like that. And
Vanessa Hankins [:doesn't love?
Lauren Patrick [:Yeah. And gave the grown ups a chance to, like, because we've done family game nights in the past, and those are great too. We have one of those coming up on Friday. Okay. Free. Bring the family. Come and play. But what we were getting at was what we were finding was the grown ups wanted their time to be able to play, like, Cards Against Humanity.
Vanessa Hankins [:Right. The new phone who then.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. Yeah. Murder mysteries. Yes. That type of thing. So we were like, well, we'll see how it goes. And we had a we had a full house last Friday at Saint Cloud.
Vanessa Hankins [:That's fantastic. The the photos looked amazing.
Lauren Patrick [:Just radiated. It it was booming in there. I had a blast. I was
Vanessa Hankins [:gonna say there's a picture that you guys posted of, one of your employees, Kevin.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes.
Vanessa Hankins [:And he the laughter on his face. I mean, you can hear the cackling in the photo as you see it. And I was just like, oh my gosh. I love this so much.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. And that is like people were commenting like, I don't know what this is, but I love it. Like and and so, we're definitely hoping to keep that going too.
Vanessa Hankins [:That's fantastic. Now something that you guys are really, really known for is your mother daughter or father's or father daughter, mother son events that you do.
Lauren Patrick [:Tell me a little bit about those. So we every year, we do an annual father daughter Valentine dance at the DoubleTree by Hilton.
Vanessa Hankins [:Mhmm.
Lauren Patrick [:That is probably our biggest event of the year. We have And people go all out. Yes. They do.
Vanessa Hankins [:They treat it as if it is almost like a wedding.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. They They're big dresses, suits. Tuxes. I've had I've seen limos roll up.
Vanessa Hankins [:Oh my gosh. That's awesome.
Lauren Patrick [:It it's a really special time. The dads the dads outdo themselves. I gotta give them credit for that. We probably had anywhere from 700 to 800 this past year.
Vanessa Hankins [:Wow. I had no idea it was that big.
Lauren Patrick [:Yeah. It's, it's it's really sweet and and it's and it's a fun time. And so then, you know, we've been doing that for a couple years. The moms were like, where's our day at?
Vanessa Hankins [:Where's our day?
Lauren Patrick [:Yeah. So we started doing, a mom and son prom. And where it's not on Valentine's Day, we choose a different theme every year for that. And we let the public weigh in. What do you would you like to see? Right. We've done a roaring twenties '1. We've done Which disco
Vanessa Hankins [:is where that were really cool too.
Lauren Patrick [:Yeah. We've done disco fever. We've done a a galactic gala that was space How did
Vanessa Hankins [:that one go? That one would be really fun. I feel like.
Lauren Patrick [:That was cool. And this year, we're doing denim and diamonds I'm excited for it.
Vanessa Hankins [:Yeah. I'm excited for it. And way to bring back, Britney Spears and JT. Yes. You know?
Lauren Patrick [:That picture just getting shares. Yes. I can't wait. They always they always exceed my expectations on so far as, like, the costumes and attire they show up in.
Vanessa Hankins [:I love it so much. Tell me a little bit about some of the stuff you got going on for Saint Patrick's Day.
Lauren Patrick [:So Saint Patrick's Day is actually going to be handled, primarily by our new recreation coordinator. Her name is putting her out there. Yeah. Her name is Sydney Devaney.
Vanessa Hankins [:Don't fail now.
Lauren Patrick [:And, well, because I don't I'm like, we don't usually have time for Saint Patrick's Day stuff. Did people get
Vanessa Hankins [:on where it's so big and Valentine right.
Lauren Patrick [:They're so close. With Easter being late this year, I'm like, okay. We can get we can get some Saint Patrick's Day stuff in. So we always do Patrick in the park. People know to look for Patrick in the park. He's a he's a not cardboard. He's a wooden cutout that travels throughout the Park District. And if you take your picture with him and post a selfie, you get entered to win a prize.
Vanessa Hankins [:Fun. It's absolutely just pure fun.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes. And so Sydney is going to do she's doing an adult Saint Patrick's Day craft night, which just sold out as in, like, this weekend. Oh, wow. They're making, leprechaun wreaths. Oh, cool. And she's gonna serve green beer and do it How fun. Do it up. And then she's also doing a family craft night where they're painting, like, terracotta pots and making their own little pots of gold Oh, I love that.
Lauren Patrick [:Which will be cute. And
Vanessa Hankins [:they'll be pretty adorable.
Lauren Patrick [:For that too.
Vanessa Hankins [:Kids will love that. That'll be really fun. And I love that you guys are doing the adult nights because not not just and not just put our area down, but your options for going out are either go to a restaurant and have a few drinks or go to a bar.
Lauren Patrick [:Right.
Vanessa Hankins [:Not everybody wants to go to a bar to have a drink, and not everybody wants to go to a restaurant to to have that drink. Right. So it's nice to to get out of your house and, meet new people and have that adult night.
Lauren Patrick [:Yeah. And and just to have an activity to do and something something different
Vanessa Hankins [:Right.
Lauren Patrick [:To do. It's always been important to me that our programming expanded, not just children. We do plenty for children too. Absolutely. But to try and be more inclusive to everybody, and give adults a space where they can, unwind too. That's what we found with game night was so great was folks actually made friends and because they wanted to play games and needed more people. So
Vanessa Hankins [:I was gonna say, well, there's there's people that, that I don't even personally know, but I feel like I know from seeing them at all your Yes. And getting tagged on social media posts. And I think that's really cool that the same people continue to come back and bring more people each time.
Lauren Patrick [:Yeah. That's awesome.
Vanessa Hankins [:You guys have a really cool website. I don't know who manages that for you, but, it it's it's pretty awesome whoever built the the site itself. You can go there if you want to to make donations. You can book, any of the, what I can't even think
Lauren Patrick [:of The
Vanessa Hankins [:rental facilities. That's the best way to put it. I was gonna say shelter. It just was not coming to me, but you can rent the shelters, make reservations for that. You can check out the staff, the cemeteries, the parks, and all that at Yes. Something I want to touch on really cool that you guys are really well known for and is a really humbling event that happens in our community up at Spring Hill Cemetery. So let's talk about the Healing Garden.
Vanessa Hankins [:Is it Healing Gardens? Healing Fields. Healing Fields. Okay.
Lauren Patrick [:Kevin Brady actually started that when he was here, and it's something that has continued. And it is a national, initiative
Vanessa Hankins [:Okay.
Lauren Patrick [:That but we are one of the only ones locally. And what it is is it is 3,000 American flags placed. Thousand.
Vanessa Hankins [:Wow.
Lauren Patrick [:Spring Hill Cemetery that represent those lives lost on 09/11.
Vanessa Hankins [:That is that is an outrageous amount of flags to get placed each year.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes.
Vanessa Hankins [:So shout out to your team for doing
Lauren Patrick [:that. Yes. And we we've been lucky enough the past couple years to get volunteers from, like, Amazon or Texas Roadhouse
Vanessa Hankins [:That's nice.
Lauren Patrick [:To help to help with that initiative. It is a whole lot of, hard work. But they our maintenance department runs like a well oiled machine as you know. Fantastic.
Vanessa Hankins [:They're great.
Lauren Patrick [:They're great. Great group of guys and girls. And they get it they get it done. And so it's it's a very humbling experience. I think you said it best. And we try to accompany that healing field each year with an annual nine eleven ceremony at Spring Hill Cemetery.
Vanessa Hankins [:So I read online that that's a 10 acres. That's a lot of ground to cover with flags. I mean, I know I keep talking about that, but, like, I'd like, I'm thinking in, like, logistics wise. I mean It's a process. Absolutely. I can only imagine. Now those of you that don't know, Spring Hill is also the official, site for the plane crash victims. Is that correct? For the Marshall plane crash? We've we've covered that on another episode.
Vanessa Hankins [:So that is another big event that you guys, I'm sure, have to prepare for each year when everyone gathers for that.
Announcer [:Yes.
Vanessa Hankins [:Is that right? Okay. Well, I have one more question for you.
Lauren Patrick [:Okay.
Vanessa Hankins [:Now that you are a mom, has that changed the the level of, stress or weight you have on your shoulders for the expectation to the community with the events that you throw on? Is is it a little different now being a mother?
Lauren Patrick [:Well, yes. I'm fortunate that I that I get to to do work and work in a place that is so family oriented, and I and he gets to come along. He he's gotten to do several of our events.
Vanessa Hankins [:He's the cutest. If if you don't follow Lauren on social media or Parks and Rec sometimes to see his little face popping up at work, he is the cutest. So
Lauren Patrick [:He he's a good boy. Yes. It it it makes it different, but it's also super rewarding because I've, you know, spent the last, you know, almost ten years of my life
Vanessa Hankins [:Absolutely.
Lauren Patrick [:Watching other people make these memories with their children.
Vanessa Hankins [:And now you
Lauren Patrick [:get to. I get to. So that's it's it's really special, and I'm really excited for this this next chapter where I'm not leaving the recreation department, but I am kinda transitioning. You're
Vanessa Hankins [:gonna be able to enjoy it more as an outsider.
Lauren Patrick [:I see that. And and have a more normal schedule for his sake too.
Vanessa Hankins [:Yeah, absolutely. Well, I love, like you said, I love that your work environment is, supportive of families. I always thought that was great. Your boss, Kathy, is always so welcoming and sweet all the time, so I can only imagine she's the joy to work for.
Lauren Patrick [:Yes.
Vanessa Hankins [:And I, like I said, I'm I'm your neighbor down in in the park, so your maintenance team, they're they saved my butt so much.
Lauren Patrick [:They're just good folks.
Vanessa Hankins [:They're they're fantastic. I can't say enough good things about them. We were thankful to have you on today. This was a really
Lauren Patrick [:Thanks for having me.
Vanessa Hankins [:This is fun. No problem. What I love about Parks and Rec, and I'll finish with this, is that, a lot of communities don't have it. We I talk about this in almost every episode because there's so many things that are available here in our tri state area that we take for granted that, you go into other places, and they just don't exist. It's non existent, so I think it's super cool that we have it right at our fingertips. I think it's super cool that we have a board and staff that encompasses that family dynamic and encourages it, and I think that only brings great things to our community. So thank you and your team for doing that for us. Thank you.
Vanessa Hankins [:Oh, no problem. No problem at all. Well, with that, guys, I think, I thank you again, Lauren, for being here, and we are out of here.
Announcer [:Thanks for listening to the Tri State Time Machine brought to you by Alex r White, p l l c at sue distracted driver dot com. If you have a memory you want Vanessa to talk more about, just send her an email at or post a comment on the Tri State Time Machine Facebook page. Did you like the episode? Be sure to share it with friends and family. It's the only way we can continue this fun work that we do. You can find a link in the show notes that you can use to share it. And be sure to let our sponsors know you like the podcast as well. Their contact information can be found in this episode's show notes.